
作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:June 9, 2023 分类:互联网观察



bash <(curl -Lso- https://git.io/kernel.sh)


debian 测速 代码

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:June 9, 2023 分类:互联网观察

bash <(curl -Lso- https://git.io/speedtest_world)

在debian 11 上安装 chromedriver

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:June 7, 2023 分类:互联网观察



wget chromedriver url

unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip -d /tmp

sudo mv -f /tmp/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver

sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chromedriver

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/chromedriver

接下来安装 chrome

sudo apt updatesudo

apt install wget

wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb


python pycrypto模块过期需要安装pycryptodome

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:June 7, 2023 分类:互联网观察

python pycrypto模块过期需要安装pycryptodome

宝塔 ningx 反向代理的ddns ip变化后无法正常访问问题的解决

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:June 3, 2023 分类:互联网观察

问题出在nginx对 dns查询域名解析做了缓存。

resolver valid=30s;
set $proxy_host "http://example.com";
location / {
    proxy_pass $proxy_host;

京东商品采集 - 专业服务

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:June 1, 2023 分类:互联网观察




1. 专业性:我们拥有一支高度专业化的技术团队,他们精通数据采集、数据分析、数据处理等方面的技能,能够为客户提供最优质的服务。我们不仅有丰富的实践经验,还不断关注行业动态,不断优化和升级我们的技术和服务,以确保客户始终处于领先地位。

2. 定制化服务:我们的服务不是一刀切的,而是根据客户的需求和业务特点,提供针对性的定制化服务。我们可以根据客户的要求,定制采集范围、采集频率、数据格式、数据清洗等方面的服务,以确保客户得到最符合其实际需求的数据支持。

3. 数据安全保障:我们非常重视客户的数据安全,为此我们采取了多重措施以确保数据的保密性和完整性。我们的数据采集、传输和存储均采用了加密技术和安全协议,以防止数据泄露和攻击。

4. 高效性:我们的技术和服务能够在最短的时间内完成数据采集和处理,以最大程度地提高客户的工作效率和业务决策的准确性。我们的服务不仅高效,而且稳定可靠,能够在24小时内自动执行采集任务,确保数据的及时性和准确性。



PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN macro must be defined for '#' formats

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:May 27, 2023 分类:互联网观察

pip uninstall pycrypto

pip install pycryptodome

uninstall pycryto and install pycryptodome

pycrypto 不再维护

可以使用pycryptodome python 包而不是 pycrypto。Pycryptodome 似乎已经取代了当前未维护的 pycrypto 包,并且也可以与 python 3.10 相关的更改一起使用

python3 在ubuntu下使用root模式运行selenium报错

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:May 27, 2023 分类:互联网观察



ChatGPT 下载 注册 使用 服务

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:May 18, 2023 分类:互联网观察,linux,技术

ChatGPT是一款高度智能化的聊天机器人,由GPT-3.5 API支持。它可以通过对话了解用户的需求和问题,并为用户提供有用的帮助和指导。许多人都在寻找一款像ChatGPT这样的聊天机器人,以便更轻松地解决问题和获取信息。






作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:February 28, 2023 分类:互联网观察

人工智能最可怕的地方在于它能够自行做出决定,而无需人类编程。它可以提出创造性的问题解决方案,甚至可以利用它的力量操纵人类。以下是应对这种潜在威胁的 8 个技巧:

  1. 接受有关该主题的教育——及时了解与 AI 相关的新闻和研究,为任何潜在的危险做好准备。
  2. 跟踪人工智能的进展——跟踪该领域的任何发展和更新,因为这些可能会带来道德困境和其他后果。
  3. 控制谁有访问权限——AI 只能在经过仔细考虑的保护措施的特定环境中使用。
  4. 平衡数据与道德监督——应根据道德和隐私问题对人工智能进行测试,以防止任何损害。
  5. 概述安全参数——制定安全参数,例如报告任何恶意使用 AI 的实例。
  6. 检查自学能力——确保 AI 不会超出其编程范围,或提出任何无法预料的解决方案。
  7. 检查结果——人工智能做出的任何决定都应该受到相应的监控、检查和调整,以确保获得最佳结果。

  1. 长远考虑——人工智能应该被用作一种工具,而不是人类思想的替代品,因此请仔细考虑任何决定。

onethink 挂马的解决办法

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:December 30, 2022 分类:互联网观察




排查后,发现是网站彻底被挂马了。很多目录都被插入了木马文件。以下几个方式可以解决onethink 频繁被挂马的问题。

  1. 删除所有目录内的可以php文件
  2. 升级服务器,安装安全软件
  3. 修改 Application runtime thinkphp 三个目录的目录名。
  4. 上面3操作完毕后,修改index.php内代码的目录位置修改为你修改过的目录名。
  5. 上面的操作4,同样的方式修改admin.php
  6. 如果上述方式还不行,彻底关闭前台访问。另外使用thinkphp6 建设新的站点,重新直接前台。后台使用onethink 前台使用thinkphp的方式运行。最大限度隐藏后台地址。
  7. 放弃使用onethink
以上几个解决 onethink 频繁被挂马的问题。如果还不能解决。请联系我付费解决


作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:November 3, 2022 分类:互联网观察




pve lxc容器 性能测试 ct性能和虚拟机性能和真机对比

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:December 26, 2021 分类:互联网观察

    lxc debian CPU speed:
    events per second:  1768.32

    真机 debian
    CPU speed:
    events per second:  1770.47

    lxc aipine
    CPU speed:
    events per second:  1610.33

    vm  aipine
    CPU speed:
    events per second:  1607.37

pve 安装时候出现白屏的解决办法

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:December 26, 2021 分类:互联网观察

pve 是 Proxmox Virtual Environment 的简称。其方便的使用和越来越亲民的气质。很多小型服务器都在使用。内置kvm zfs lxc容器,等等特性。

新的机器 是n5095的小主板,安装pve 的时候出现屏幕白屏的情况,在获取ip 后进入白屏。鼠标可以移动。但是没有任何反应。

主要是因为,主板含有lvds 接口,pve默认会把安装界面输出到这个接口上,所以hdmi的主屏幕就没有安装界面。




Research summary diary of fenbendazole on cancer treatment and related principles and cases

作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:April 5, 2021 分类:互联网观察

first of all

First of all, my family and my friends do not currently have cancer. Being curious about science and yearning for top-notch medicine, I learned more about the treatment of cancer by fenbendazole.

At the beginning

Initially, about a few months ago, I saw a piece of news. The news spreads in the tone of entertainment news. The content of the news is roughly that a patient with terminal cancer has completely cured the cancer by taking canine anthelmintics, and has still ruled out the tumor until now. And I checked the screenshots in the news. The package box of the dog anthelmintic clearly reads the full English name of Fenbendazole, Fenbendazole. A deep Google search found that at present, Fenbendazole (Fenbendazole) is a highly effective, low-toxic, low-cost canine anthelmintic, which can kill dogs extensively. "It is not only effective against adults and larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes. It has a high insect repellent activity, and has a good effect on Dictychus, Fasciola and tapeworm, and has a strong insecticidal effect."-Baidu Baike By further searching for related academic papers. It was found that fenbendazole not only has a very good killing effect on canine parasites, but also has a very good killing effect on various parasites of other livestock. See the following link: Baidu academic search fenbendazole. As shown below: URL: https://douc.cc/2Bj4EP

The past few decades. After decades of continuous accumulation and selection, the synthetic route for large-scale production of fenbendazole has been basically fixed. It is very mature.

Important literature

Further search for related papers. It was discovered that nature's official website had published anti-cancer research papers about fenbendazole about 1 year ago, URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30158-6 This is nature presented paper. The inhibitory effect of FZ on tumors is described in detail. If you can't open it, please use various methods.

simply put. The mechanisms that may lead to cancer cell apoptosis and tumor shrinkage are mentioned from several aspects.

1. Microtubule inhibition, that is, fenbendazole has an inhibitory effect on the angiogenesis of cancer cells.

2. Inhibit the absorption of sugar. Cancer cells and ordinary cells have different requirements for sugar. Cancer cells have roughly 10 times the demand for sugar. (I'm not a professional medical scientist, I just check the information and mention these data, please don't make a brick, if you have more accurate data, please contact me).

3. Fenbendazole caused the death and death of cancer cells. The specific mechanism is unknown.

The paper mentioned that scientists used fenbendazole to carry out in vitro cancer cell experiments, which had a certain killing effect, and then carried out in vivo experiments and found that the effect was basically the same.

At present, the patient who is using fenbendazole to treat cancer abroad continues to update his article, which has posted many cases of cancer treatment after taking fenbendazole. Most of them mentioned positive effects. For example, the tumor shrinks, for example, the rate of cancer metastasis is reduced or metastasis does not occur.

After understanding the author's medication in detail. It is learned that it uses a mixed treatment of multiple drugs, including: fenbendazole, vitamin E, turmeric, and cannabis extract. Various data show that fenbendazole and vitamin E are the main drugs that produce effects. Moreover, it is mentioned in many documents that only fenbendazole is taken alone, and the effect is very limited. Combined use of vitamin E will have better results. The principle is unknown at present, I guess it may be that vitamin E can improve the intestinal absorption of fenbendazole, or vitamin E can be very effective in inhibiting and treating cancer by carrying out a certain catalytic reaction with fenbendazole in the intestine. Of the substance.

to sum up

I am a computer science professional myself, with no medical background, and rarely involved in the medical field. The above information is almost completely searched, sorted, refined and summarized through Google, Baidu, and bing. Special thanks to Google. Its Google translation product can be read almost accurately when translating professional medical papers, which is really a great product.

In addition, I hope that there are friends and family members who are suffering from cancer, you can suggest him or her to read this article. And try this direction. The treatment of fenbendazole is very cheap, the manufacture of this kind of drug is very simple, and there is no patent protection that any country or individual can manufacture, buy and use. Perhaps the lack of patent protection is also the reason why fenbendazole has not been found to be useful for cancer treatment. Because no pharmaceutical company would spend huge sums of money to conduct clinical trials and systematic experiments on a drug without patent protection, which is too expensive.

Therefore, this is not a rumored article about a folk remedy, this is a real scientific popularization article. The purpose of my description and expression in an easy-to-understand way is that life is precious.

Finally, we hope that fenbendazole can have new effects on humans. I wish the patient a speedy recovery.

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