mht2html mht 转换html工具
作者:小鱼的互联网观察 发布时间:February 18, 2013 分类:技术
- 批量转换
- 快速
- 智能
MHTML stands for MIME HTML. It is a standard for including resources that in usual HTTP pages are linked externally, such as images and sound files, in the same file as the HTML code. The included data files are encoded using MIME. This format is sometimes referred to as MHT, after the suffix .mht given to such files by default when created by Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer or Opera. (Some people feel this is improper usage.
The key to MHTML is that the content is encoded as if it were an email message, using the MIME type multipart/related. The first part is the HTML file, encoded normally. Subsequent parts are additional resources, identified by their original URLs
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- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名 | Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0
- 原文网址:
- 最后修改时间:2013年02月18日 23:02:34
已有 2 条评论 »
想当年傻傻的打开MHT,然后傻傻的Ctrl+S 为 HTML的走过